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Only this mindfuck on the highest possible meta level made me not want to play on.
ChrisVCB Offline
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RE: Only this mindfuck on the highest possible meta level made me not want to play on.

The bit that crapped me up the most
Spoiler below!
in the T....whatever it was called, the big hall area with torture devices where you have to get Orb Parts....in there, are a bunch of cages hanging from the roof. I didn't pay much attention when I first went into the room, and went off to a side chamber. When I came back out, I noticed there was a guy in one of the cages. Now, this didn't freak me out too much, because I hadn't been paying attention first time around, so I didn't know if he was there to begin with. But when I went into another side chamber and came back out again, he was gone Undecided Oh man, I was bricking it imagining in my minds eye all the places that caged being could have gotten to....
09-11-2010, 08:07 PM

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RE: Only this mindfuck on the highest possible meta level made me not want to play on. - by ChrisVCB - 09-11-2010, 08:07 PM

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