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Amnesia 6th anniversary community project (?)
Spelos Away

Posts: 231
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Joined: Sep 2014
RE: Amnesia 6th anniversary community project (?)

Guys (and gals),
I like that you are active and creative with your suggestions and I appreciate every single response. It shows me that there is a potential for greatness. I can see that you guys want to create and be a part of something great.
As much as I’d absolutely love for this project to be 100% community driven, there must be some management.

You see, there were times, where games didn’t have mod support. Where clever people that were interested in game development went in and reverse-engineered their own level-editors.

Those times are now gone and we live in a time where developers start to understand the importance and strength of moding. People get hired thanks to their mod creations, new indie companies are being formed completely out of mod developers.

Now, there is a single key attribute that makes a mod developer.
And it’s creativity.
The ability to use what you have. To create from nothing, to remix known into never seen before.

A Moder can create an elephant out of cockroach AI script.

A Moder doesn’t see impossibilities, they see problems that need solutions.

A Moder doesn’t need expensive software, they need a few Google searches and a notepad.

A Moder doesn’t need support, they need COMMUNITY.


Now get back into the Level Editor. Create out of nothing, innovate, experiment,
Do the thing you LOVE and LOVE the thing you do.
Put yourself into your work.

You don’t need fancy menus and lantern shadows to make your map great.

The only thing you truly need is what you already have.

You cannot effort to throw this opportunity away. Two and a half weeks are not enough time.
So please please PLEASE, do the things that matter.
08-20-2016, 03:50 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Amnesia 6th anniversary community project (?) - by Spelos - 08-20-2016, 03:50 PM

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