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Amnesia 6th anniversary community project (?)
Spelos Away

Posts: 231
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Joined: Sep 2014
RE: Amnesia 6th anniversary community project (?)


- @FrictionalDaily
Your map starts behind the slime wall therefore you cannot move anywhere and are forced to continue through the level door leaving your map. The level door also leads to original Amnesia. That cannot happen.

When/If you fix it, include some way to get into 00_rainy_hall_HUB.map & make sure the PlayerStartArea_1 the only spawn area in your map.

When re-uploading, include _FIX_01 in your filename.

- @Daemain
You sent multiple maps but haven't specified which one is the beginning and which one returns you to the HUB level (if any). Please specify the first one, connect them (if not already) and reupload if needed.

Other than that, everything is implemented.
09-06-2016, 10:20 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Amnesia 6th anniversary community project (?) - by Spelos - 09-06-2016, 10:20 PM

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