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Things that would have made Amnesia scarier
Darkrage66 Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

I havn't read the whole thing so sorry if there are any reposts.
1: The gatherers should be able to open doors quietly to add suprise to the game.
2: In the guest room the gatherer shouldn't leave but instead should go into the next room and occationally looking/patrolling into the back room.
3: There should be a new gatherer that has white and slightly glowing eyes that appear around corners when you are either far away to add aprehension (probably spelt it wrong) and when you are close to the corner to make the player panic but it will only attack when you look away, constantly stalking you thoughout that area and will back off when get close and attack when forced into a corner and the area you find them in, there is no possible way of light except for your lantern but encountered in the oil storage so your set for that. Later in the game multiple will show up causing confusion and panic when you find yourself cornered ( They attack when you are also cornered) but wait until your lantern is out of oil, the only way to escape is to go at one with the lantern on because they will flee from the light. If you have cornered one with your lantern on it will despawn and respawn somewhere else in the area you are in and will then make it's way to you. When you spot them following you they will retreat to a corner or around a corner and continually watch you until you break eye contact, you never get a good look at their model as they are always submerged in darkness.
4. You complete a puzzle and go though a door and find you are in an area you have been before but it is now ravaged, hinting that you are no longer alone. Possibly use the gatherer i mentioned above.
08-27-2011, 11:27 PM

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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier - by Darkrage66 - 08-27-2011, 11:27 PM

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