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How much darkness triggers sanity loss?
Koranis79 Offline
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RE: How much darkness triggers sanity loss?

I made some tests to see how it really worked. I hope it has more impact on the gameplay in the full version than just some breathing, crunching and drunken controls. After 5-6 minutes in complete darkness I heard a strong noise that filled my (daniel's) head and then my sanity reverted to almost normal levels.

It makes me wonder if it won't become just a decorative effect later on. Because from what I've read in the previews, you have to choose between being hidden or sane. That would be enough to evoke horror. Because if the loss of sanity would truly bring the horror, then you would be so frighten that maybe you would decide to turn the light on despite the real monster looking for you.

And THAT would be the horror game of this millennium.

But if it all goes down to crunching and breathing and crunching and drunken controls, then a temporary recovery, then I think you all will get used to it sooner or later and won't see it as a problem if staying in darkness keeps you safe, because you will clearly see that loosing sanity won't kill you.

And THAT will kill the credibility of the concept behind it.

I'm worried.

Just because I also read that there are tonnes of "sanity health" potions.
09-05-2010, 03:00 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: How much darkness triggers sanity loss? - by Koranis79 - 09-05-2010, 03:00 AM

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