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Both Amnesia Games Crash When Trying to Write

Not Solved RE: Both Amnesia Games Crash When Trying to Write
I am very grateful for your help

The link to MS Windows 10 Controlled Folder Access made me think about whether BitDefender was blocking access with its similar "ransomware" module where certain folders are protected. It was indeed blocking. What I don't understand (yet) is what determines BitDefender to record a folder as protected as I have never manually added any folders. But there are at least two ways to get around the issue:
1) Remove the documents folder from the BitDefender Protected List or
2) Tell BitDefender to allow the game/application to write to the folder

Once again your help did result in pinpointing the issue, so thanks hugely
02-01-2018, 09:25 PM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

Messages In This Thread
Both Amnesia Games Crash When Trying to Write - by shotbybothsides - 01-27-2018, 07:46 PM
RE: Both Amnesia Games Crash When Trying to Write - by shotbybothsides - 01-31-2018, 12:26 PM
RE: Both Amnesia Games Crash When Trying to Write - by shotbybothsides - 02-01-2018, 09:25 PM

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