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Do you prefer visual arts or music?
Bridge Offline
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RE: Do you prefer visual arts or music?

(10-14-2012, 11:45 AM)Khyrpa Wrote:
(10-14-2012, 10:37 AM)Bridge Wrote:
(10-14-2012, 08:55 AM)Kreekakon Wrote: I'm rubbish at analyzing music, so visual arts for me.
Music doesn't need analysis. If you truly think it does you've been tricked by people who don't know a thing about music.

EDIT: Not to be too dramatic or anything though. Personally I don't prefer one over the other.
What do you mean by analyzing music? Does visual art need analysis?

There are people who do visual stuff as well as musical, but both need so much time and dedication that its pretty rare to see someone master both.

When visual and sound is together, its twice the better. I wouldn't prefer one over the other either.
Well, a piece of music is like a a good dish or a well balanced drink. Maybe beginners would want to refer to recipes while starting out to get the hang of it, but nochef worth his salt would ever use a recipe to create one of his dishes. It's all about the aesthetic quality of the ingredients and a good chef's dish is like his signature. Likewise, no chef would ever say something like: "This is very good. So what, you put 350 mg of salt into it or?"

Visual art is the same deal. When I look at a badass drawing or painting I don't think: "oh, look at those 4B pencil lines. And the angles!" or something equally stupid. I think "the framing is excellent, the use of colors is very good, the meticulous attention to detail is impressive, the overall atmosphere is interesting". Somewhere along the line retards began promoting the idea that creating art is like constructing a house (with really only one way of doing it correctly) and that in order to create good art you must adhere to ridiculous rules and perform autopsies on pieces of art. They have the right idea, but not quite.

In art, it isn't about how you create something, it's about how well you succeeded in translating your ideas to whatever medium you are working in (it's just communication). Furthermore, the finer details of art lie not in the slavish dedication to becoming "perfect", but in learning how to develop a technique that allows you to express your ideas more effectively. Nobody can tell you how to do that, which is why most art schools (and most schools in general) are worthless. All they do is convince people that rigid rules and adopting someone else's ideals are the key to making good art. This doesn't apply to all schools but depressingly it does to most of them.

If you want to become a good artist, think long and hard about what you are interested in artistically and what your influences are. Then look at your influences and think about what it is that makes you enjoy their work so much. Then adapt and integrate that aspect into your own work. After that, create your own art.
10-14-2012, 12:44 PM

Messages In This Thread
Do you prefer visual arts or music? - by Froge - 10-14-2012, 08:44 AM
RE: Do you prefer visual arts or music? - by Bridge - 10-14-2012, 12:44 PM
RE: Do you prefer visual arts or music? - by Adny - 10-14-2012, 06:50 PM

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