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Need help with ladders! - Printable Version

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Need help with ladders! - Zaapeer - 10-25-2012

Okay so I'm working on my custom story, and I'm trying to make a ladder. I place the ladder area, just as I have done in the previous map, but in this map they don't work. I could climb in the last map, but in the newest map it doesn't work. When I look at the area the crosshair changes to a ladder, but when I click nothing happens. Does anyone have an idea of what the problem could be?

RE: Need help with ladders! - Robby - 10-25-2012

Something is blocking the way. I mean, there's something within the ladder area. Try moving it.

RE: Need help with ladders! - The chaser - 10-25-2012

Yea, it happened to me too. The ladder must be at last 5 units large, so the player can fit. Re-size the area so it looks like an enlarged cube.

RE: Need help with ladders! - Zaapeer - 10-25-2012

I solved it, thanks guys! Smile

I have another problem though... In one part of the cs, you are supposed to put coal in a furnace and then pull a lever to make a machine start working. I made it so that when you pull the lever it creates a particle system (steam) and also the sound for the steam. But if you pull the lever again, it creates more steam and more sound, wich is not supposed to happen. How do I fix this? And also, I made a jump scare, and made it so that when it happens the sound of the player reacting scared is supposed to play, but it doesn't...
Here's the script for the jump scare:

void OnStart()
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "GhostArea", "GhostFunc", true, 1);

void GhostFunc(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
AddPropForce("vase01_1", 0, 0, -2000, "world");
StartPlayerLookAt("vase01_1", 5, 10, "");
AddTimer("StopLookTimer1", 0.2f, "StopLookFunc1");
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "react_scare.snt", "player", 0.1f, true);

void StopLookFunc1(string &in asTimer)

Do any of you know how to fix this? :S