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this used to be about breaking bad but it's kinda just about tv now so idk yeah
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RE: Breaking Bad

(03-29-2013, 01:48 PM)Funderbunk Wrote: I find the performances to be ridiculously over the top one-note carictatures of common neuroses (it makes Winnie the Pooh's examination of mental problems look subtle) which only remain consistent throughout because the episodes are as formulaic as humanly possible, almost House M.D. levels of "every episode must follow the same arc syndrome".

It's difficult for me to provide evidence that directly contradicts what you're saying because this is an aesthetic matter that is, of course, entirely subjective.

But really, can you honestly tell me the performances are unsubtle and over the top? The characters absolutely are over the top, but that's part of the overall joke of the series. It's even referenced in the finale, which nobody understands. To me, it is one of the best final episodes ever. I could explain why, but if you absolutely haven't seen every episode then it's pointless. To clarify, the actual jokes that appear in the show are not in any way irrelevant. I find them hilarious (in no small part due to the nuanced performances) and acknowledge if people don't find it funny.

I, however, am not a big fan of comedy that relies solely on dialogue to get laughs. In order to really judge whether something is funny to me I look at what is going on visually (body language, environment, props etc.), sonically (inflections in voice, ambiance etc.), structurally (pacing, dialogue) and most important of all, thematically (story, concepts etc.). And it is all important, and yes, I do pay attention to all of these things whenever I watch anything. I'm not just making shit up either. Read anything about Larry David and you will immediately understand what the is show about (nothing - ironically).

So while the jokes are what makes the show good, everything else is what makes it great. Which I think deserves respect. There are plenty of things I do not specifically love which I acknowledge as significant.

(03-29-2013, 01:48 PM)Funderbunk Wrote: Characters will find themselves in slightly awkward situations and proceed to overthink it so much that they make it much worse.

It's an oversimplification (and slightly inaccurate), but this is the general theme that runs through every episode. It's a way through which the writer (that is Larry David) can comment on little things that society takes for granted. By showing them in an exaggerated light, he really illustrates what the problem with them is. George Carlin derives his humor from exactly the same concept. For example, in this video:

He is essentially saying that we should start executing people on live television for entertainment. If you take it at face value, then I can understand why you would be horrified and would dislike the video intensely. After all, how could showing gruesome deaths (and selling them no less!) on television be funny? Then you realize that he is actually criticizing society for how hypocritical it is by showing it in an exaggerated light. And he is completely right - the crowd is cheering for fuck's sake.

That's why it's funny - it's completely incongruous to what we expect and the humor does not come only from the jokes and their presentation. Again, exactly the same thing with Seinfeld. The reason why George Carlin is enjoyable is because his showmanship is unparalleled and his jokes are expertly crafted. The reason why he's a freaking artist is the subtle humor he draws from distorting familiar themes and exposing the irony in them. This is by no means the only way he "does" humor but it is the one most noticeable on closer inspection.

(03-29-2013, 01:48 PM)Funderbunk Wrote: To each his own, I suppose. I recognize that Seinfeld was a big step forward in sitcoms but that doesn't take away that "lets follow these completely unlikable people around in their lives" is a bad setup, because I hate reality TV.

The characters being unlikable is subjective. Personally, I like them but it's possible you fell into the same trap I described above - taking everything at face value. Yes, the characters themselves with no regard to humor absolutely are unlikeable - but that's the joke. In a way, they represent everything that is wrong with society, and yet we get to know them slowly over the course of the series and start to sympathize with them.

Spoiler below!
Then, the finale slaps you in the face with the greatest irony of all - that there is nothing to like about the characters at all. It's the reason why almost everyone, including so-called fans of the series, dislike the finale because they are being told the characters they came to love are actually basically criminals.

Only by looking at the underlying structure of the show, episode by episode, can you really see what it's about. Essentially, the show itself is one big joke.

If you absolutely hate the characters from the get-go, then I'm sorry, you just will not be able to understand the show. It's not because you're too stupid or anything, you just won't be able to absorb it fully. I consider this long exploration of the show a success even if you watch just one episode with all this in mind.

So that's why I consider Seinfeld great.
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2013, 02:55 PM by Bridge.)
03-29-2013, 02:54 PM

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RE: Breaking Bad - by Bridge - 03-28-2013, 11:04 PM
RE: Breaking Bad - by Wooderson - 03-28-2013, 11:25 PM

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