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FATAL ERROR: Could not load world file 'maps/main/50>'
Laced Offline
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Solved: 10 Years, 4 Months, 1 Week ago RE: FATAL ERROR: Could not load world file 'maps/main/50>'

Quote:This is not related to the crash I think, but I don't think the game is capable of running on your Intel® HD Graphics. So if the crash now is solved, then the next will be a crash as it loads the contents of a level. I think that is too weak, it might barely manage to play the original Amnesia game, but not possible to run machine for pigs. Also I think there is a newer driver available from https://downloadcenter.intel.com/ if you search for this chip and for your operating system.

Well that's embarrassing. I updated my card a few days ago and it said it was fully updated but apparently it tricked me. Updated to the 2011 version huh windows? Thanks a bunch, windows.

BUT I just downloaded the latest driver. Thanks for letting me know it was out of date! I would have never known.

[Image: BHZ3j1E.png]

I am still getting the same error, although the menu is lacking the lag it did before so that's nice. Do you think my driver is still weak? Or do you think the crash is unrelated? I'm sorry if I ask silly questions, I'm not the brightest when it comes to graphics drivers ahhh.

Quote:As Jens said, update your Intel drivers using the have disk method as mentioned at the graphics card troubleshooting guide. Your drivers are old. Set every graphics option to the lowest possible and try again. It may work.

Updated the driver and I'm still getting the same issue. I can play the first Amnesia just fine without lag and without any errors (high and low settings). I can also play Skyrim on it's highest settings/with mods as well without any lag D: Are you sure the issue is driver related?
09-12-2013, 12:34 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: FATAL ERROR: Could not load world file 'maps/main/50>' - by Laced - 09-12-2013, 12:34 AM

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