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Did you feel sorry for Red in the end?
BendyBread Offline

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RE: Did you feel sorry for Red in the end?

(07-20-2010, 08:49 AM)Felix Atagong Wrote: Not at all. Amabel was another matter though.

Spoiler below!
Although I still don't understand why she didn't hide herself and waited a bit until the hallucinations were over.
She was the doctor you drop the massive weight on top of, right?

If "she" hit you in your mentally unstable position, you'd eventually end up dying. Thats what I dont understand about the puzzle. When you kill her, Clarence tells you he was messing with your brain.
But that would've meant she was just following you around aimlessley and didnt even pay attention to what the hell you were doing with the weight.

I dont know. Maybe I'm thinking too far into it, but it didnt make an insane amount of sense to me.

OT: Yes and no. He was nice, but I feel that even if he wanted to be saved, he'd probably end up as a danger to society (or end up in prison, etc).
Though once you play Black Plague, then yes. I feel extremely sorry for him and I'm glad I "Helped" him.
07-31-2011, 07:44 AM

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RE: Did you feel sorry for Red in the end? - by BendyBread - 07-31-2011, 07:44 AM

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